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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dr. Anthony Fauci head of the NIH* had been booked on FIVE news shows to discuss the Coronavirus thingy. GUESS WHAT?

Dr. Anthony Fauci head of the NIH* had been booked on FIVE news shows to discuss the Coronavirus thingy. GUESS WHAT?

*National Institute of Health

After the news conference where the mickeymousemikepounce was declared the CZAR of the emergency Dr. Fauci was told to STAND DOWN. So he did. He did not pass GO. He did not collect $200. He did not appear on any show.

GOD FORBID someone knowledgeable and intelligent and honest tell we the people what the he** is going on.

Can't have that. No way Jose. The bottleneck set up by dumb don will CONSTRICT the flow of information. All of it will be approved by dumb don or it doesn't flow! Get the drift?

Truth is dead. Lies live freely. People will die and dumb don will tell us the virus disappeared and all is well.

More people will die and dumb don will say it is FAKE NEWS and just another Dem conspiracy to harm him.

You doubt that? Stick around. It's gonna get a whole lot worse. The dumb of don is desperate to look good and make this all about him once again.

Posted - February 28, 2020
